Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Brynna!

I have never been good at getting birthday posts up, but I will get this done, even if I am a week late!

My dear sweet Brynna,
I hope that you had a fabulous time on your birthday this year. I can't believe you are already five! You have already grown into such a beautiful girl inside and out. I love how you are always the first to volunteer to help me in the kitchen and how well you play with Cyerra. You remind me so much of myself at that age, quiet, but always doing your best to make good choices. I look forward to seeing you grow even more, although if I could keep you at this age forever, I just might. I love you more than I can say and I am so proud to hear you call me Mom!
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Karyn said...

I can't believe that Brynna is 5! She's going to kindergarten!!! She looks absolutely adorable in these pictures. Great job, Michelle!

Unknown said...

She is Beautiful ! Happy Birthday Brynna! We miss you!